Thursday, March 3, 2011

What to do with 64 jars of baby food a month

As I've mentioned before, we don't do purees and spoon feeding. On the rare occasion that I did spoon feed Craz-E, it was homemade mashed foods like squash and applesauce. I had NEVER bought a jar of baby food until this past month.

We get WIC food checks and with PrincesS now over the 6month mark, that means she gets checks for baby food. It was rather annoying when we got the checks and she said we were going to get all these jars of baby food and boxes of baby oatmeal. I tried to explain that we don't do purees but there was nothing she could do; it was either the jars of puree or nothing. So I grudgingly accepted the checks and thought I'll figure out something to do with all that baby food.

So I go with the first check and get 32 jars for fruits and vegetables. That's a LOT of jars of baby food. I had to find a box and stash it all in the lowest cabinet in the kitchen.

Then I figured, what the heck, let's give this spoon-feeding a shot. I mostly don't do it cause I'm lazy and don't want to spend half an hour shoveling food into my child's face. But I'll suck it up and do it.

She gobbled up a jar of bananas (and we know she loves bananas cause she eats pieces of banana for breakfast every morning). But I'm guessing her belly prefers it when SHE regulates the speed at which food enters. Cause she was fussy, coughing and even threw up a little that night which I'm thinking was a result of some reflux. Spoon feeding doesn't seem to work in this house. Just as well since it was setting off alarms in my head as I was doing it. I've learned when Momma Alarms are going off, it's for a reason.

So, now I have 60 jars of various fruits and vegetables sitting in a box under my counter. And I'm supposed to get 31 jars of "Meat" this month too. (I haven't decided if I'm going to get those cause the thought of pureed/liquefied beef kinda turns my stomach.)

What to do with all this liquid fruits? So I decided to try something.
First, I got a Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder.
Then I spooned the baby food into my ice cube tray and put it in the freezer over night. (One 4oz jar made 8 cubes.)
The next morning, I popped the baby food cubes out of the trays, stuck one in the mesh feeder and handed it over to PrincesS.


Icy cold goodness that she can handle on her own! She'll chew and suck on the mesh feeder, eating about 2-3 cubes in a meal.

Perfect for teething too.

I tried to get Craz-E to try one but I think the mesh feeder thing threw him a bit.

So I started brainstorming again.

What could be better on a hot summer afternoon then a juicy ice pop? And who needs those "Contains no fruit juice" things that are just frozen sugar water when you can make pure fruit ice pops! Just spoon the baby food fruit into a Popsicle mold and freeze! No sugar, no junk, just fruit! Maybe get some yogurt and mix it up to make smoothie pops. And at 3yo, Craz-E won't know the difference. To him, it'll just be a Popsicle. SNEAKY!!


  1. If you didnt come up with these great ideas you could donate them.

    New follower from the Leaky boob fb

  2. I don't really have any ideas for you but I'm in the same boat. WIC gives me tons of milk. My husband tries to finish it alone but with my daughter and I drinking almond milk, it ends up going to waste. WIC needs to give you choices of what you need because I'm sure you could use fresh fruits and veggies instead, which they will give you later on anyway, so why not now?
