Monday, November 22, 2010

What happened to penmanship and basic math?

I can't believe it, but Craz-E will be 3 years old in 7wks! Where did my little baby go?

So, with him turning 3, I've found myself starting to look at preschools and school districts. I never understood the importance of checking the school district when looking for a place to live. Now I do!

I was talking with some other moms a few weeks ago and one of them said that they know of a student in 6th grade who can't do simple math without a calculator and can't write on paper with a pencil. The school just doesn't teach penmanship or basic math. They put children in front of computers at age 6 - first grade!

I remember HATING penmanship lessons - the writing sentences over and over and over. I always gripped my pencil too tight and all thru school I had a dent on the side of my finger where the pencil sat. And it kind of bothers me to realize that I no longer have that dent because I hardly ever write anything on paper anymore.

But regardless of whether or not I actually DO write on paper, the simple fact of the matter is that I know HOW to do so.

And math! Oh how I hated math in elementary school! For me it was a form of torture. Unlike most of my peers, I just couldn't memorize the tables we were given. I eventually taught myself (with tremendous help from my mom) little tricks to get thru the tests and actually still use the tricks as an adult. I was so over-the-moon happy when I got to Junior High and we could use calculators. Once I had a calculator in hand, I actually started to enjoy math.

But it appears that schools are giving children calculators in elementary school. They no longer have to learn basic math.

What happens when these kids have to write a check? Or fill out paperwork for a job? Are we that dependent on computers and technology these days that we honestly think that it will eventually eliminate the need for pen and paper entirely?

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